Upper extremity liposuction is appropriate for younger patients with fatty collections and good skin quality. Women request this procedure more than men. Skin is relatively thin in the arm, so skin retraction is less likely in the standard patient than abdomen or back. Skin laxity is possible after liposuction, and if this is anticipated, it is best to discuss the potential need for second-stage skin removal. Arm Liposuction treatment is often weighed against arm lift with the possibility of a visible scar. While liposuction reduces bulk and improves the contour of the arm, it cannot adequately treat skin redundancy. Liposuction in the arm is challenging, finding the balance between removing subcutaneous fat to uncover a more muscular physique without removing so much that there is resulting skin redundancy. Today, non-invasive options are performed as an adjunct to liposuction to enhance the completeness of fat removal and the evenness of the result and aid in skin tightening and smoothing. Liposuction in the arm is challenging, finding the balance between removing subcutaneous fat to uncover a more muscular physique without removing so much that there is resulting skin redundancy.

Who Can Benefit from Arms High Definition Liposuction?

Upper extremity liposuction is appropriate for younger patients with fatty collections and good skin quality. Women request this procedure more than men. Patients with lipodystrophy syndromes such as Madelung’s disease are also good candidates, with the understanding that there may be a recurrence. Skin is relatively thin in the arm, so skin retraction is less likely in the standard patient than abdomen or back. Skin laxity is possible after liposuction, and if this is anticipated, it is best to discuss the potential need for second-stage skin removal. Arm liposuction is also used to treat lymphedema in the arm that does not respond to non-surgical measures. Liposuction treatment is often weighed against arm lift with the possibility of a hypertrophic, visible scar. While liposuction reduces bulk and improves the contour of the arm, it cannot adequately treat skin redundancy.

What are the Risks Involved in Arms High Definition Liposuctions?

Some authors refer to this form of liposuction as “traditional” or “conventional,” Tumescent liposuction is a safe procedure on the condition that patients are carefully selected, the operating facility is adequately equipped, and the physician is adequately trained in the process. Tumescent liposuction has few significant side effects when performed by a qualified Cosmetic, says Prof Moawad. Liposuction performed under general anesthesia with hospital admission carries a higher risk of serious adverse events.

Will My Arms Skin Hang after High Definition Liposuction?

Prof. Moawad s initial assessment determines the amount of fat to be removed so that your skin re-drapes appropriately. The degree of skin change after liposuction surgery is the same as one would expect if it were possible to lose an equal amount of fat in these localized areas only by dieting. Because the small cannulas make small tunnels through the fat, multiple connections remain between the skin and the underlying tissue. These fibrous connections contract with the healing process and maintain the skin in its natural position. After liposuction by tumescent liposuction, one does not have to worry about excessive skin folds in the areas treated by liposuction surgery. This effect is so dramatic that many patients who previously would have required surgical excision of skin, called a tummy tuck, can now have excellent results by merely having power-assisted liposuction. We are proud to be the first center in Egypt to offer post-liposuction unique skin tightening program at MSI. This program involves vacuum, soft laser, and photodynamic therapy using LED technology and radiofrequency.  Further tightening effect can be achieved only at MSI using the FDA-approved monopolar radiofrequency device for non-surgical skin lifts. Only those with lax musculature and loose skin with or without excess fat might require additional procedures like arm lift.

Will Incision of Arms High Definition Liposuction be Apparent?  Will I have scars?

A tiny incision (2mm) is all that is required for the insertion of the tube. Incisions are generally small, about ¼ inch. At MSI, our method of re-contouring leaves minimal scars, and Prof. Moawad strategically places incisions within the natural folds of the body.

What be Other Areas of the Body Done During Arm High Definition Liposuction?

The most common areas for treatment include upper thighs, abdomen, and upper arms.  Other areas include facial accumulations of fat, including a double chin, neck and jowls, knees and, breast. In men, liposuction can be used to correct gynecomastia and remove sweat glands in the underarm t

Your Consultation for Arms High Definition Liposuction

During the consultation, Prof. Moawad will review your medical history, evaluate your present health, and assess the current condition of your skin, considering elasticity as well as localized fat deposition. Your current weight, and whether you plan to lose or gain, will factor within this evaluation, along with what effects, if any, prior weight loss had on the areas of your body you want contoured. I will address your expectations as to whether they can be realistically achieved, in addition to which body contouring method and procedure technique will be most suitable in your case. Prof. Moawad will discuss how factors like the general state of your health, overall condition of your skin, your weight, age, hormonal influences, and certain other factors, can all influence the outcome of your procedure.

How do I Prepare to Arms High Definition Liposuction?

You are provided with specific preoperative instructions. I will take preoperative photographs, which are essential aids in planning out and performing the procedure, due in part to the patient being in a horizontal position during the process. Post-operative photographs are taken at 3- and 6-months post-surgery (body photographs are faceless). If you smoke, you are advised to stop two weeks before your procedure. Smoking can affect the operation and impede healthy healing. Additionally, you must alert our medical staff to any medication you are taking; certain drugs like aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and Vitamin E may increase bleeding during and after the operation. In addition, some medicines, e.g., specific antibiotics, may interact with the local anesthesia.

It is generally advised to stop eating and drinking at least 4-6 hours before the procedure. It is recommended you reschedule your procedure should you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection and during your menstruation. Pending your circumstances, you may want to arrange for someone to drive you home following your surgery, as well as to help you at home for a day or two.

Preoperative instructions

  • DO NOT SMOKE for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. Smoking reduces blood circulation, slows down healing, and increases complications.
  • DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN or products containing aspirin or anti-inflammatories such as Brufen, Cataflam, and Ponstan for two weeks before or following your scheduled surgery. These medications affect your blood’s ability to clot and increase your tendency to bleed during surgery or the postoperative period. If you need to take a mild painkiller, you can take paracetamol.
  • DO NOT TAKE DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS for two weeks before and after surgery. These include vitamins, ginger, ginkgo Biloba, garlic, ginseng, and fish oils. They may increase your risk of bleeding and bruising during and following surgery.
  • DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL for five days before surgery. Alcohol may increase your risk of complications as well as bruising.
  • DAY before AND DAY OF SURGERY: Please shower using only anti-bacterial soap. Males receiving abdominal or flank treatment may prefer to shave the treatment area; females receiving abdominal or thigh treatment may choose to shave pubic areas below the hairline.
  • WEAR COMFORTABLE, DARK, LOOSE-FITTING CLOTHING on the day of surgery, including a shirt that buttons up the front. Wear nothing that you must put on over your head. Slip-on shoes are recommended for maximum post-operative comfort. We suggest you safeguard your car seat and bedding with a protective cover as there will be some fluid leakage following surgery.
  • LEAVE JEWELRY AND VALUABLES AT HOME. Do not wear wigs, hairpins, or hairpieces.
  • SURGERY TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY. You could be at the clinic longer than indicated.
  • ARRANGE FOR A DRIVER TO AND FROM SURGERY. We cannot discharge you to a taxi. Put a pillow and blanket in the car for the trip home.
  • HAVE A LIGHT BREAKFAST on the morning of surgery.

Please take the antibiotics and pain medicines as advised or prescribed by your doctor. If you have no allergies, you may start with regular paracetamol (1,000 mg every six h). If this does not relieve discomfort or pain, you can take the prescription pain medication in addition to the paracetamol. Do not take aspirin, Brufen, or Neurofen. If antibiotics are prescribed, you must complete the entire course.

Post-operative Appointment

For maximum healing and optimal long-term results, you must follow the appointment schedule that is made following your surgery.

Are the Results of Arms High Liposuction Permanent?  Will Fat Return?

On condition, you stay on your post-operative weight, and a proper diet and exercise become part of your routine. The liposuction results will be permanent since there are now fewer fat cells in those areas that were contoured.  Weight gain is the actual enlargement of existing fat cells, not the creation of new ones. The more fat cells in a specific body region, the more difficult for you to reduce the number of fat cells only by dieting. Dieting usually reduces all fat cells proportionately but leaves the basic silhouette unchanged to no small degree. If you gain a few kilos, You will more evenly distribute the weight than accumulating in the same problem areas before the procedure. Doctors believe that once fat cells have been removed by liposuction, these same cells do not return.

Will I Need a Second Arms High Definition Liposuction?  

Most patients require just one procedure. Less than ten percent of patients need a fine-tuning process after six months.

Is the High Definition Arm Liposuction Painful? Will I be awake?

The principle factors in determining the type of liposuction and nature of anesthesia patients should have, for example, straight tumescent method, sedation standby or sedation, are pain tolerance, the amount of fat to be removed, and the case past and current medical health conditions; all factors considered when selecting the anesthesia that will provide the safest, most effective level of comfort during your procedure. If only a tiny amount of fat and a limited number of body sites are involved, liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia, which numbs only concerned areas. The local is usually used along with intravenous sedation to keep you more relaxed during the procedure. Some patients enjoy being awake during the process, and Prof Moawad prefers his patients to be awake to obtain optimum positioning with patient cooperation.


Patients are asked to point out their areas of concern. The deltoid region is a great area to address and the area below the biceps muscle. The forearm may be discussed in lymphedema.

Details of High Definition Liposuction Surgery

The patient is brought into the operating room, and anesthesia is induced. Either an arm table attached to the available room bed or double-arm boards are placed on either side of the bed. Padding is put on these extensions and covered with a sheet to provide a smooth, padded surface. The anesthesiologist should place a half screen over the patient’s head, stabilized under the patient’s head, for potential suspension of the arms to the arm table to get better access along the inferior portion of the arm and improve the circumferential approach. A pulse oximeter should be placed on the ear or nose, not the finger, and a blood pressure cuff should be placed on the calf, removing one of the sequential compression devices. A lower body forced warming blanket should be placed on the patient throughout surgery to avoid hypothermia. The arms are prepared and draped sterilely, placing the wrists and hands in sanitary towels. The intravenous catheter must be sterile, and the component is prep prepared in the surgical field or put into the foot. Single stab incisions are made in the elbow and axilla (armpit)  to address the areas of concern.

The anatomy of the upper arm can be easily divided into three to four regions. anteromedial, anterolateral, and posterolateral. Different techniques of infiltration of tumescent anesthesia are used in each area. The posterior arms are then massaged with HIFU external ultrasound for 15 minutes each arm. This will emulsify the fat, making extraction easier, said Prof. Moawad. To maximize skin recoil and re-draping, Prof. Moawad prefers three-dimensional circumferential liposuction (3-DCL), which is based on two concepts: circumferential aspiration of the upper arm applied with different fluid infiltration and different liposuction techniques in three anatomical compartments (anteromedial, anterolateral, and posterolateral) and extension of liposuction to the peri-axillar and para-scapular areas. Aesthetic goals of the straightened inferior brachial border and a slenderer body contour. When the desired shape is achieved, liposuction is complete.

Liposuction is begun on the first side infused with a tumescent solution begun on the first side infused with a tumescent solution. A 3 mm cannula, through the incision in the distal portion of the upper arm, is used to remove the fatty tissue. Tunnels are made in a fanlike distribution, and the cannula is pushed with long strokes several times in each tunnel. Using a power-assisted (PAL) 3mm cannula is a significant advantage in liposuction of the upper arm, says Prof Moawad.  Aspirate volume should approximate the amount of tumescent solution infused.  The arms are dressed and wrapped in elastic bandages. To achieve an aesthetically pleasing contour in selected patients, Prof Moawad treats the ptotic brachial region by liposuction or lipofilling. The bicipital triangle is addressed by lipofilling to improve retraction and re-draping of the sagging skin at the posterior arm. In patients with mild to moderated skin, laxity liposuction and fat transfer guarantee satisfactory results and eliminate the need for excisional arm lift surgery. Muscle definition by liposuction is not usually considered. In the case of making a brachial sulcus, one must be careful not to damage the passage of the neurovascular bundle (brachial artery and median and ulnar nerves) during aspiration for the contouring of the biceps muscle.

What Can I Expect Immediately Following High Definition Arm Liposuction?

After surgery, most patients can walk out of the office without assistance. Recovery time will vary greatly depending on the individual, how extensive the procedure is, and the technique used. Generally, after the process, you will probably have some fluid drainage from the incisions and expect some bruising (bruising typically goes away in 3 weeks; swelling can last for three months depending on the amount of work done). Though tumescent liposuction is more refined, you may still experience pain, burning, swelling, bruises, and temporary numbness. With the tumescent technique, post-operative discomfort is significantly reduced since the local anesthesia remains in the treated tissue, usually causing numbness for sixteen hours or more after surgery. If required, Extra Strength Tylenol or Tylenol with Codeine is enough to control relatively minor discomfort that may occur following your surgery. Immediately after surgery, you are transferred to our luxurious recovery room, where you are fitted with a support garment that you must continuously wear for two to four weeks. You may remove the garment to shower the day after surgery. You may feel stiff and sore for the first few days after your procedure, but you are encouraged to move about, even a little, since this will aid blood circulation. You should avoid strenuous activity for about three weeks. Patients may return to work in one week, although many return earlier. You are advised not to take aspirin or certain anti-inflammatory drugs and not to smoke.

Dressings will be removed in several days, so Prof. Moawad and his staff can examine treated areas. You will be scheduled for follow-up visits to monitor your progress and receive an ultrasound massage, lymphatic drainage the day following your surgery, then every other day for the first week. Subsequent follow-up visits are scheduled at one month, then again at 3- and 6-months following surgery. Suppose you have any unusual symptoms between visits, for example, heavy bleeding or a sudden increase in pain or any questions about what you can and cannot do. In that case, you are advised to call MSI immediately. Occasionally the skin may have an uneven or slightly rippled effect. The surface can sometimes be irregular or asymmetric, or pigmentation changes may occur, especially in older patients with dark skin. Scars from liposuction are usually tiny and strategically placed.  Overweight patients who have localized areas of fat removed must be willing to accept a higher chance of contour irregularities and less than ideal skin re-draping in exchange for improving the way they look in clothing. At MSI, we are proud to be the first center in Egypt that offers post-liposuction particular skin tightening programs that involve vacuum, soft laser, and photodynamic therapy using LED technology to speed recovery time and ensure tight skin.  Further tightening effect can be achieved only at MSI using the FDA-approved monopolar radiofrequency device for non-surgical skin lifts.

Post-operative instructions

  • DRIVING: A family member or friend must drive you home from your surgery (it is best to have them stay and assist you for the first 24–48 h). Please do not drive if you are taking the prescription pain medication tramadol.
  • COMPRESSION GARMENTS: If you had liposculpture performed on your knees, thighs, hips, arms, or abdomen, I would put on a particular elastic-type garment at the end of surgery to provide comfort and support while helping your skin conform to your new body contour. The day following surgery, you may remove the garment once a day for laundering, sponge bathing, and bandage changing (if present). Continue wearing the garment 24 h a day for the first two weeks, followed by 12 h a day (remove at night) for the subsequent two weeks.
  • BATHING OR SHOWERING: Sponge baths only for the first 72 h when removing the compression garment. After 72 h, you may take a shower or bath when the garment has been temporarily removed. Avoid Whirl Pools and hot tubs for at least one week (until the incision sites have healed).
  • TREATMENT SITES: Please keep your dressings as clean and dry as possible, changing every day if wet to help prevent infection. Do not apply heat or ice to the surgical areas.
  • You should expect significant drainage (oozing) of blood-tinged anesthetic solution at the incision sites due to fluids injected during your procedure. Although the fluid may appear red, it is the most anesthetic solution and saline and only 1% blood. In general, the more drainage there is, the less bruising and swelling there will be. Many patients have found it helpful to use a shower curtain or other protective covering on their mattress for the first few days after their liposculpture procedure. When your incisions stop draining, please clean with tap water and apply topical antibiotic Fucidin ointment to the incisions. Itching, pulling, pinching, hardness, tightness, and numbness sensations are normal. All should subside within 24 h to 1 week only sometimes can last for months. This is part of the healing process, and your patience is appreciated.
  • ACTIVITY: Rest for the first 12 h. You are experiencing more than mild swelling, and discomfort may indicate that you are overdoing it. It is normal to experience light-headedness when rising or removing/changing your compression garments. Please have someone help you with this for the early few days after surgery. Take it easy for the first week, resuming regular activity as tolerated. Avoid strenuous activities, lifting over 10 Ibis, or aerobic exercise for 2–3 weeks.
  • Protect incisions and any bruised areas from the sun until wholly healed; use SPF30 or higher for six months. Avoid tanning until skin bruising has faded, which usually takes 10–14 days. If you like, feel free to treat yourself to a gentle massage during your post-operative course. Therapeutic massage is beneficial to speed the healing process. It may be done beginning two weeks after surgery, as often as every second day, and as hard as you can tolerate.
  • DIET: If you experience any post-operative nausea, try carbonated drinks and dry crackers to calm your stomach. Take your post-operative medications with food to minimize irritation. If your stomach feels normal, start slowly with liquids and bland foods, progressing to soups, and finally, a healthy diet as tolerated. Drink plenty of clear fluids.
  • ALCOHOL: As well as/In addition to refraining from drinking alcohol for at least five days before surgery, it is vital that you do not consume alcohol if you are taking over-the-counter or prescription pain medication following surgery as they may interact.
  • SMOKING: We continue to stress the importance of not smoking. Smoking reduces blood circulation to skin and tissues and delays healing. Do not smoke at all during the first 14 days following the procedure.
  • EXPECTATIONS: Remember, the goal of fat removal is not weight loss but for improved contour. Since the body retains fluids in response to surgery, you may notice a temporary weight gain, resolving over the first week. In addition, remember that for most people, the goal is a meaningful improvement, not perfection.
  • Lower abdominal patients may experience significant swelling in the pubic area. Post-operative discomfort usually takes the form of deep muscle soreness and improves typically over the following 2–7 days.
  • Slight temperature elevation and flushing of the face, neck and upper chest could last 48 h. You may initially experience a mild depression that should begin lifting after the first week once you see the bruising and swelling fade.
  • Menstrual irregularities (premature or delayed monthly onset) are a common side effect of surgery. If I treat treated areas on the thighs, you might have swelling in your calves and ankles for up to 3 weeks.

POST-OPERATIVE MEDICATIONS. Please take the antibiotics and pain medicines as advised or prescribed by your doctor. If you have no allergies, you may start with regular paracetamol (1,000 mg every six h). If this does not relieve discomfort or pain, you can take the prescription pain medication in addition to the paracetamol. Do not take aspirin, Brufen, or Neurofen. If antibiotics are prescribed, you must complete the entire course.

POST-OPERATIVE APPOINTMENTS. For maximum healing and optimal long-term results, you must follow the appointment schedule that is made following your surgery.

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High Definition Liposuction or Liposculpture. How We Do It?


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